Media Packs
Explore our comprehensive Media Packs, designed to provide you with all the resources you need for creating publications or writing about Girteka Group. Whether you are looking for logos, photos of our drivers, office colleagues or management, photos of trucks and maintenance, videos, or detailed reports and publications, our Media Center offers a variety of assets to meet your needs. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Press Contact
Tomasz Weber
Head of Corporate Communications
- +48 503 925 249

Discover Our Responsible Story
Girteka Group has been a significant player in the logistics and road freight transportation sector for nearly three decades. We specialize in full truckload (FTL) operations across Europe, focusing on temperature-controlled and high-value cargo markets. All what we do, we do with care of environment, colleagues, communities and partners. Read more about our Responsible Logistics.